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  3. Communities in the Centre!

Communities in the Centre!

Booklet with voices of community members from the global South published

In this publication, we focus on the status and work of people living with HIV, tuberculosis and malaria and the communities affected by these diseases. We do this in particular regarding the planning, design and implementation of interventions and health programs. The title “Communities in the centre” says all: communities are a central component of public health services! The texts presented here show that in some areas this is more wishful thinking than reality. We would like to thank all those who have contributed!

Community representatives are connected to the members of their group. They enjoy their trust, establish contacts, respond to emergencies to develop programs, and sometimes collect data. From time to time, community members are also considered uncomfortable when, for example, they monitor the implementation of programs and compliance with standards, identify grievances, ask unwanted questions, or demand accountability.

Experience shows that the involvement of communities is indispensable. Nevertheless, the services and needs of communities are often neglected, perceived as a threat, and inadequately funded. This hinders the progress that would be necessary to achieve the health-related development goals by 2030.

We learned a lot from our interview partners and would like to thank Dr. Corinne Karema and Elisabeth Mballa Meka from Cameroon, Nooliet Kabanyana from Rwanda, Grace Ngulube from Malawi, Meirinda Sebayang from Indonesia, Erika Castellanos from Belize, Edward Mutebi from Uganda, Thi Hai Oanh Khuat from Vietnam, and Cecilia Senoo from Ghana for their willingness to share their personal experiences and realities with us. We would also like to thank our colleagues from the Global Fund Advocates Network who provided us with most of the contacts, Axel Schock for the insightful texts, most of which were created based on video interviews we produced, and our filmmaker Alexej Stoljarov for the realization of the videos.

Aktionsbündnis gegen AIDS, 2025