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Empfehlungen der Zivilgesellschaft an die G7 Staaten

das Aktionsbündnis war in die Entwicklungen der Empfehlungen zu Globaler Gesundheit maßgeblich eingebunden

tasse - foto Peter

Die Empfehlungen der C7 (der Engagement Gruppen der Zivilgesellschaften der G7 Staaten zur Begleitung des G7 Prozesse) liegen nun vor. Das Aktionsbündnis hat den durch VENRO organisierte Prozess zusammen mit Robin Montgomery aus Kanada geleitet. Insgesamt haben 120 Organisationen der globalen Zivilgesellschaft an der Entwicklung der Empfehlungen zu globaler Gesundheit mitgearbeitet. Nach einer Darstellung der grundlegenden Prinzipien zu globaler Gesundheit haben wir werden in 5 thematischen Schwerpunkten Empfehlungen zu den Themen: Gesundheitsversorgung für alle (UHC); Pandemieprävention; übertragbare und nicht übertragbare Krankheiten, Sicherstellung des gleichberechtigten Zugangs für alle und zu Gesundheitsfinanzierung erarbeitet. Es ist uns gelungen eine starke Empfehlung zur Verantwortung der G7 Staaten in Bezug auf die Global Fund Auffüllungskonferenz zu platzieren. An dieser Stelle einen herzlichen Dank an unsere Kolleg*innen von VENRO, die dazu beigetragen haben, dass dieser Prozess bewerkstelligt werden konnte!

Die Empfehlungen zu globaler Gesundheit:

A transformation of the global health architecture is required

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has buckled health and community systems and services. It has also exacerbated existing inequalities within and across countries through inequitable access to vaccines, diagnostics, therapeutics and other health innovations. This puts vulnerable people at further risk. Tackling these challenges requires a transformation of the global health architecture to address today’s public health threats and ward off tomorrow’s. We call on the G7 leaders to recommit to fighting global pandemics such as HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, polio and COVID-19, as well as poverty-related neglected tropical diseases and non-communicable diseases, malnutrition and antimicrobial resistance, and to protect the universal right to the highest attainable level of physical and mental health.

Our recommendations underscore the principles of global health solidarity, multilateralism, localization/decolonization and country ownership, protection and advancement of health equity and human rights. We call for equal access to scientific evidence and innovation, for balancing the health of people, animals and ecosystems, and for recognizing that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment, as expressed in the One Health concept. We call for gender equality and comprehensive sexual reproductive health and rights as well as people-centred health and community systems. Meaningful participation of key and vulnerable populations, including the poorest and most marginalized, must be placed in the centre, as well as the principles of partnership, transparency and accountability, so as to leave no one behind. 

We recommend that the G7 leaders: 

1. Strengthen Universal Health Coverage Scale up investment in community-based/ -led primary health care through monitoring and enabling legal, policy and social environments. Strengthen all pillars of health systems, notably the health workforce – including health promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care as well as procurement and supply chains. Ensure that all basic needs are met in critical areas such as water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), nutrition as well as digital health. Moreover, end out-of-pocket payments.

2. Improve pandemic preparedness, response and recovery Strengthen WHO’s independence and coordinating role, multilateral structures and public health systems to prevent fragmentation and reinforce global solidarity. Increase resources for the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) and initiate reforms with communities, civil society and low- and middleincome country (LMIC) governments. Prioritize the One Health approach, equitable access to diagnostics, prevention and treatment, including mental health support, to prevent future pandemics.

3. Tackle communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Increase investment in poverty-related and neglected tropical diseases, NCDs and diseases of aging. Invest in publicly-funded research and development and create enabling environments for behavioural change. Secure equitable access to vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics and prevention, as well as mental health services. Remove the determinants that cause obesity and NCDs among the most vulnerable people.

4. Ensure equitable access to medicines and health commodities Ensure the availability, accessibility, acceptability and affordability of medicines and health commodities through immediate support for the proposed TRIPS waiver on COVID-19 health commodities; ensure complete technology transfers to LMICs to increase local production; ensure systematic, meaningful community participation at all stages.

5. Increase health financing Go beyond official development assistance to include global public investment and other innovative funding mechanisms, including expanding the multi-sectoral health financing of WHO and fully funding the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria with a minimum of USD 18 billion and other multilateral financing mechanisms such as ACT-A, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the Vaccine Alliance Gavi, the international drug purchase facility Unitaid, the Global Financing Facility (GFF) and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).

Aktionsbündnis gegen AIDS, 2025